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Parents - Frequently Asked Questions

Who do we support?


Woodlands PRU supports:


  • Primary aged pupils displaying social, emotional and mental health difficulties in their mainstream school within the Wycombe education area.
  • Pupils who have received fixed-term exclusions from school or whose escalating behaviour difficulties are placing them at serious risk of exclusion.
  • Pupils who are at risk of failure at school through disaffection


How is support from the PRU accessed?


School access support for a named pupil by completing the PRU’s Referral document. Parental consent, in writing, is required, and their views are welcomed.


Can I make a referral?


The simple answer is no but if, as a parent, you have concerns that your child’s behaviour at school is affecting his/her education, you should speak to the class teacher/headteacher.


What happens once a referral is made?


Once the school and parent complete a referral form, a member of the PRU team will visit the school to observe the child and talk to school staff. A report on the observation and discussion is then written up before a decision is made. School and parents/carers are then notified via letter, on the appropriate decision.


Who can I speak to about his referral?


Staff at your child’s school are likely to be the first people you speak to. However, you are welcome to telephone the PRU for further information.


Does placement or involvement by the PRU mean my child no longer attends their school?


No. The main aim of the PRU support is to help your child to make positive changes in their behaviour so that they can remain at their school. Any decisions regarding possible changes on the long-term educational provision for your child will be fully discussed with you.


Will the involvement of the PRU affect my child’s education?


Yes – but in a positive way! The school should already have discussed your child’s behavioural difficulties with you. School staff feel that they require additional input/support to help your child. The PRU offers that additional help, advice and support.


What is Outreach Support?


Outreach support is provided on a weekly basis and involves a member of the PRU working directly with a named pupil in their school. These sessions are aimed at discussing and exploring behavioural issues specific to that child.


How long will my child receive Outreach support?


An outreach worker will commence 10 session of support with the child. Sessions vary in length (according to a number of factors) and may involve in-class support or the child being withdrawn for either one-to-one or small group sessions. Following the 10th session, a review of support takes place between outreach worker, school and parents/carers.


What happens if my child is offered a placement at the PRU?


PRU placements are a short-term preventative measure. Pupils generally attend the PRU base 2 days weekly and placements are reviewed every 10 weeks. Your child will receive a quality education in line with the National Curriculum requirements. Please see Daily Routine for further information.


If my child is offered a placement at the PRU, how do I get them there?


Transport may be arranged by the PRU to bring your child to and from the PRU. Please note that there are restrictions on transport so this option is not always possible. Alternatively, you can choose to bring and collect your child yourself.


If my child is offered a placement at the PRU, do I have to purchase a different uniform?


No. Your child will continue to wear their main school uniform.


What happens if my child is permanently excluded from school?


If your child is already attending the PRU, then they will continue to do so. PRU staff will contact you to discuss the next step. If your child is not attending the PRU, Woodlands staff will contact you to set up a meeting with you and your child to arrange placement. Your child will receive their education at Woodlands whilst decisions are made about their future education.


What happens if there are no place at the PRU in my area?


On occasions, it may not be possible or appropriate for your child to attend the PRU in your area. In these circumstances, a placement will be sought at another Primary PRU site within Buckinghamshire.


Do you support Early Years pupils?


Yes. However, as we do not currently have qualified teachers for the early years curriculum, we are only able to offer outreach support for pupils in Reception of a mainstream school within Buckinghamshire.


Is there a charge for PRU involvement?


Parents/Carers are not charged for this service. Any charges are paid by the child’s school or by the Local Authority.