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The Buckinghamshire Primary Pupil Referral Unit

What We Offer

We serve all maintained primary schools in Buckinghamshire and provide support for


  • Primary aged pupils displaying social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in their mainstream school within the Buckinghamshire education area.
  • Pupils who have received suspensions from school or whose escalating behaviour difficulties are placing them at serious risk of exclusion.
  • Pupils who are at risk of failure at school through disaffection


We also support Schools and other professionals by delivering training and other services.


Pupil Outreach Provision


Outreach is funded by the Local Authority. Where Outreach support has been agreed, an information-gathering meeting takes place with the Outreach worker, SENCO and/or Member of SLT and the Class Teacher. Following this meeting, the Outreach worker will commence 10 sessions of support with the child. Sessions vary in length (according to a number of factors) and may involve in-class support or the child being withdrawn for either one-to-one or small group sessions. Following the 10th session a review of the support takes place. If the Outreach worker believes that outreach support should continue, a further 10 weeks of support will commence. If the Outreach worker feels the support should end but the school want the support to continue, the support continues at a cost to the school. In order to ensure continuity of support a review meeting should be arranged before the final planned outreach session.


Inreach Provision


The School is charged according to how many days the pupil attend The PRU. This is currently £30 or £37/£45 (for Pupil Premium Pupils) per day. On a termly basis, a journal or invoice will be raised by the PRU and sent to the mainstream school. Where Inreach support has been agreed, the parents/carers and pupil will be invited to visit the PRU to complete the necessary paperwork and agree upon a start date. The School will also need to complete an Inreach Agreement form before the placement commences.



School Outreach


As well as indidviual pupil outreach support, we also offer whole school outreach support.  This is where one of our qualified and experienced teachers attends a school for one day a fortnight for a whole term, supporting adults to support the behaviour of their pupils.  The adults receiving the support could be ECTs, teachers from overseas or those with a group of particularly challenging pupils.  The type of support offered ranges from in-class observations and advice to policy and practice review.  Schools chosen are selected by the Local Authority following a meeting with PRU leaders.



Other Services and Training


The Buckinghamshire Primary PRU offers other service to mainstream schools in Buckinghamshire beyond the standard Inreach and Outreach Provision such as Behaviour Management and Steps training. Please see Other Services and Costs for further details.