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The Buckinghamshire Primary Pupil Referral Unit

Management Committee

As a Pupil Referral Unit we have a management committee rather than governing body. Our management committee meets once a term as a full committee and separately once a term as two sub committees; Pupils and Learning & Finance and Personnel.

Committee Membership and Responsibilities



Julie Lawrence (Community) - Member Development



Sarah Jones (Community) – Pupil Premium                                


Community Members:

Cari Paterson – Staff Well-being

Louise Sim –  Safeguarding

Sarah Chick – PSHE

Sophie Dowling – English

Annika Williams - Maths


Staff Members:
Stuart Cateridge – HT
Grace Hudson – Non-teacher rep
Anne-Marie Jacob – Teacher rep


Local Authority:

Rhonda Gosney – ICT, SEND     

Linda Dugdale - Health & Safety, GDPR


Claire Trump – Equalities


Committee Members with governance roles in other schools 

Julie Lawrence - Bedgrove Infant School (Headteacher)

Sarah Jones – Lace Hill Academy (Headteacher)

From 1 September 2015 it is statutory for maintained schools (including Pupil Referral Units) to publish governor pecuniary interests on their websites. Currently there are none to report.