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Daily Routine

A change to the PRU school day 

From September 2024, we will be making a change to our timetables to enable the PRU to close to pupils at 2pm each Wednesday instead of 3pm as at present.  This will allow the PRU to ensure that its staff have the most up to date information and training in order to provide the best support for your child. 


We will not be reducing the number of hours of education each child is entitled to receive during their placement at the PRU. Instead we will reduce lunchtimes by a total of twelve minutes each day to offset the earlier finish time on Wednesdays. 

Parents and carers of current pupils who will be returning to the PRU in September have been contacted with information about the new timetable.

The school day at the PRU follows a similar pattern to mainstream schools.  However, we recognise that a number of our pupils will have a longer journey than if they were travelling to their mainstream school and our school day reflects that.  Our day starts at 9.00am (pupils are welcomed into the building from 8.45am to allow for long taxi journeys) and finishes at 3.00pm, with a mid-morning and lunch time break each day (a total of 30 hours contact time each week for a full-time pupil).  A pupil is deemed 'late' if they arrive after 9.15am unless there has been an agreement with key adults for this timing to be different.  In addition to the normal learning sessions each day, our daily routines and break times are also opportunities for learning and developing social skills as part of our approach to PSHE.  Details of our curriculum can be found on the link below, and PRU staff are always happy to answer specific questions about our classroom timetable.



8.45am - 9.00am

Early Morning Work

9.00am - 9.15am

Social time

9.15am – 9.45am


9.45am – 10.30am


10.30am – 11.00am


11.00am - 12.00pm


12.00pm - 1.00pm


1.00pm - 1.20pm

Talk for Reading

1.20pm - 2.20pm

Foundation subject

2.20pm - 2.35pm

Reflection time/targets

2.35pm – 3.00pm

Golden Time


* The PRU daily routine timetable will be updated shortly to reflect the change in hours on a Wednesday.