About Us
Following a review of the current referrals into the PRU and the recent successful recruitment of staff, the PRU is now in a position to re-open The Oaks in Amersham. Work is in hand to ensure that the site is ready to welcome pupils from Monday 3rd March 2025. Our plan is to initially open to a KS1 group on Mondays and Tuesdays each week. We will then re-open later in the week for a KS2 group as referrals for pupils increase over the academic year.
Referrals to the PRU should continue to be sent to us in the usual way. Colleagues who are temporarily based at other sites will return to The Oaks as appropriate to meet pupil needs. From Monday 3rd March, it will no longer be necessary to call Woodlands directly to talk to a member of the PRU team as The Oaks office will be staffed on a Monday - Wednesday with calls re-directed to Woodlands on a Thursday and Friday.
The Oaks is a primary pupil referral unit providing support for children experiencing significant social, emotional or behavioural difficulties in their mainstream primary school. Children may be supported by outreach or by attendance at The Oaks.
We take children from maintained primary schools in the Chiltern and South Buckinghamshire districts but occasionally support pupils from Aylesbury and Wycombe according to availability of placements and needs. We have very small classes, normally with a maximum of seven children: each class typically has one teacher and at least one learning support assistant. Staff also go out to mainstream schools to support children in that environment.
Children normally attend The Oaks for one or two days a week and stay at their usual school for the other days. A placement generally lasts for a maximum of two terms.