Remote Learning
Pupils learning remotely is not an approach the PRU chooses to take as they cannot access the peer and staff interaction that is integral to our approach in helping them to become part of a safe community of lifelong learners. A lot of what we do at the PRU is centred around positive relationships and this is not possible to do when a pupil is learning away from a site.
However, if ever there was an individual need for this way of learning to be considered or we were faced with circumstances such as an unavoidable closure of a PRU site, then staff would follow the DfE's guidance; Providing remote education: guidance for schools (August 2024). The PRU will pay particular attention to the guidance in respect of remote learning for pupils with SEND and will work collaboratively with families to put arrangements in place that allow pupils to access remote education successfully. In this situation, decisions on how provision can be delivered will be informed by relevant considerations including the support families will require and types of services that the pupil can access remotely.
PRU teachers are best-placed to know how pupil needs can most effectively be met to ensure they continue to access the curriculum and will put in place an appropriate approach to teaching and support that will enable the pupil to continue learning effectively. This will include procedures to safeguard pupils in line with PRU policies and advice, and support for parents to support them in keeping their children safe online.
We will ensure that we continue to meet our duty under the Children's and Family Act 2014 and The Equalities Act 2010 so that any remote learning meets the specific needs of pupils.