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The Buckinghamshire Primary Pupil Referral Unit

Remote Learning

As we continue to learn to live with covid 19, the Primary PRU has in place a package of remote learning support for individual pupils to ensure that they do not miss out on learning opportunities. This package recognises the unique needs of our pupils and includes other support from PRU staff as appropriate. The PRU also works with parents, carers and mainstream schools (where a pupil is dual-registered) so that a coherent approach to learning is in place.


We will put in place remote learning in response to either a local or national outbreak of Covid 19, following any guidance from the DfE.


The offering will be tailored to the individual pupil and will include work set by the teacher such as:

  • Maths
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Phonics / spellings
  • An activity session linked to the termly topic

In addition, links will be provided to appropriate learning platforms where appropriate.


It is expected that pupils will be set work consistent in length with the school day, together with regular breaks, and will allow for discussion with mainstream staff (where appropriate) and/or parents/carers each day that remote learning is in place.  Teachers will liaise with parents/carers about remote working and will check that work has been accessed offering support to adults as needed.  Work will be set on a daily or weekly basis as appropriate.  We continue to teach pupils about the importance of e-safety to help them to use online resources safely and appropriately.  Parents/carers will be signposted to organisations that can help them to keep their child safe online.  We will keep in regular contact with pupils, parents and carers by telephone, email and remote meetings.


Where pupils need to self-isolate but are not unwell, they will be expected to complete work set as agreed between parents/carers and PRU staff. If classes are held using tools such as Teams, then pupils will be expected to attend as they are expected to attend the PRU.


Although intended to form part of our response to Covid 19, the principles of our remote learning approach can be applied to any closure of the PRU or used to help pupils who are not able to be on site.